1. 我爱你,宝贝,永远支持你。(I love you, baby, always support you.)
2. 谢谢你一直以来在我身边,你是我最爱的女孩子。(Thank you for being by my side all the time, you are my favorite girl.)
3. 你的微笑如阳光般灿烂,每一天都是那么美好。(Your smile is as brilliant as sunshine, every day is so beautiful.)
4. 我愿意牵着你的手,一起走完人生的每一段路程。(I am willing to hold your hand and go through every journey of life together.)
5. 每时每刻都想着你,我的心永远住着你。(Thinking of you every moment, my heart always lives with you.)
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