考试的祝福语 四字成语 环球新资讯
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考试的祝福语 四字成语 环球新资讯

来源:礼物网 2023-06-19 06:25:28


1.金榜题名(jīn bǎng tí míng)- Wishing you to become successful in the examinations and achieve high scores.

2.高中取胜(gāo zhōng qǔ shèng)- Wishing you to win high marks in your exams and fulfill all your dreams.

3.锦绣前程(jǐn xiù qián chéng)- Wishing you a brilliant future and a successful career.

4.名列前茅(míng liè qián máo)- Wishing you to be among the top in your exam and achieve great success in your life.

5.福如东海(fú rú dōng hǎi)- Wishing you good luck and prosperity like the vast Eastern Sea.

6.拔得头筹(bá dé tóu chóu)- Wishing you to come out on top and be victorious in your exams.

7.一举成名(yī jǔ chéng míng)- Wishing you to make a name for yourself and achieve great success in your exams.

8.励精图治(lì jīng tú zhì)- Encouraging you to work hard and strive for better results in your exams.

9.志在千里(zhì zài qiān lǐ)- Wishing you to have high aspirations and achieve great success in all your endeavors.

10.天道酬勤(tiān dào chóu qín)- Believing that hard work will be rewarded by the heavens. Wishing you good results in your exams.




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